Braddan School

Show Respect ~ Learn Together ~ Try Your Best


Policy and Procedures for Dealing with Unacceptable Behaviour by Parents and Visitors on Braddan School Premises

The Governing Body of Braddan School actively encourages close links with parents, carers and the community. It believes that pupils benefit when the relationship between home and school is a positive one.

The vast majority of parents, carers and others visiting our school are keen to work with us and are supportive of the school. From time to time it is necessary for parents and the school to deal with problems relating to particular pupils. It is important that discussions between parents and staff are conducted in a calm and respectful manner. In the vast majority of such situations this is what happens, but on very rare occasions, aggression and verbal or physical abuse is directed towards members of school staff or members of the wider school community.

The Governing Body expects and requires its members of staff to behave professionally in these difficult situations, and attempt to defuse the situation where possible, seeking the involvement of other colleagues when appropriate. However, all members of staff have the right to work without fear of violence and abuse.

Violence, threatening behaviour and abuse against school staff or other members of the school community, including all the parents and pupils, will not be tolerated. All members of the school community have a right to expect that their school is a safe place in which to work and learn. There is no place for any form of abuse, threatening behaviour of violence in our school.

We expect parents and other visitors to behave in a reasonable way towards members of school staff and the wider school community at all times. This policy outlines the steps that will be taken where behaviour is unacceptable and contravenes section 21 of the Education Act 2001.

Types of behaviour that are considered serious and unacceptable, and will not be tolerated in relation to members of staff and other members of the community are;

  • Verbal intimidation - for example shouting or swearing either in person or over the telephone
  • Verbal abuse - for example speaking rudely or making negative personal comments
  • Any form of physical contact
  • Physical intimidation - example standing unnecessarily close to a member of staff
  • The use of a rude or aggressive hand gestures including pointing, shaking, or holding a fist towards another person
  • Spitting
  • Breaching the schools security procedures - all visitors to school must first report to the main reception area
  • Constant e-mails and all phone calls which amount to harassment and intimidation despite the school best efforts to address the situation
  • Regularly e-mailing staff and expecting responses at unreasonable times such as late at night for weekends. E-mail sent to the school office will be responded to within one working day wherever possible
  • Inappropriate electronic activity including publishing abusive or inappropriate content with regards to the school, teachers or students on social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter or in email communication

This is not an exhaustive list but seeks to provide illustrations of such behaviour.

Whilst the use of such behaviour is unacceptable in all circumstances, the school is particularly concerned to protect its pupils from being exposed to such behaviour (whether or not directed at them).

All incidents of rudeness will be logged with the School’s Chair of Governors.

Unacceptable behaviour may result in the police being called or informed of the incident.

Parental visitor to access to the school premises

Normally parents / carers (and those with parental responsibility), plus visitors, have implied permission to visit the grounds and buildings of school. Where there are serious concerns regarding the conduct of parent / visitor, and possible staff/ pupil safety, the Headteacher can:

  • Initiate a meeting / dialogue with the individual
  • write to the visitor, describing their misconduct, explaining its impact on the school and stating it unacceptability
  • Vary a person’s access to the school, for example, through the addition of conditions
  • Warn of the possibility of a “ban” if the misconduct is repeated
  • Impose a ban with a review after a fixed period

Procedures to be followed

Incident report

If a parent /carer / visitor behaves in an unacceptable way towards a member of the school community, an incident report form should be completed by the member of the school community against whom the abuse was directed. In the case of this being a pupil a member of staff may complete the form on their behalf. The pupil should read what has being written agree to the contents and sign it.

Step 1 - First Warning

The headteacher will speak to the person or persons perpetrating such an incident privately. It will be put to the person that such behaviour is unacceptable and an assurance will be sought that such an incident will not be repeated. It will be stressed on this occasion that repetition of such an instrument will result in further more serious action being taken. The headteacher will write to the adult informing them that this conduct is unacceptable.

Step 2 - Final Written Warning

If a second incident occurs involving the same person or persons, the Chair of Governors will write to the adult(s) giving a final warning that this abusive and threatening behaviour is unacceptable, and that a repetition of this conduct will leave the Governors no option but to involve the Department of Education, Sport and Culture and / or the police and put a ban in place. The process may be accelerated according to the level of behaviour.

Step 3 – Governors ‘ban’ letter

It’s such an incident recurs, or if an initial incident is considered serious enough by the headteacher, the school Governing Body would be involved to enforce any action deemed necessary. This may result in a person or persons being excluded from school premises. A period of one week is given for the parent to make representation to the Chair of Governors, at which point the decision is made to either confirm and continue the band or discontinue it.

Step 4 - Involving the Department of Education, Sport and Culture and Police

If, following the decision to ban the person from the school premises, that person nevertheless persists in entering school premises and causes a nuisance or disturbance, such a person may be removed from the school premises and prosecuted.

All parents, even if excluded from school premises following action by the Chair of Governors or the Department of Education, Sport and Culture, have a right to be informed about their child’s educational progress. This could be achieved through a written report.

Approved by; Full Governing Body

Date; May 2019

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