School Dinners:
To be able to learn, children need good levels of energy, which needs to be provided via a balanced and nutritious diet. School meals are supplied to school by the Department of Health from the kitchens at Nobles Hospital. Menus are carefully considered to ensure a balance of food groups along with providing options that the children will want to eat. Vegetarian options are always available, and of course your child does not need to be a vegetarian to enjoy these meals too.
Updated menus, with possible changes and further information, can be found on the IOM Government website here. (Please note that new menus may not be available until just before a term starts.)
If you are wanting school dinners for your child, please organise this with Mrs Brookman in our office and payment can be made on ParentPay.
Free School Dinners and Free Transport Applications:
The Free School Dinner online application can be completed here: https://desccds.powerappsportals.com/Free-School-M... If you would like to have a paper form, this is the Free School Meals and Free Transport Application Form
Packed Lunches:
For children who prefer not to have school meals, we strongly recommend that you follow our guidance for providing a healthy packed lunch.
These should contain a source of carbohydrates to provide energy, such as bread, pitta, rice or pasta. Protein can be provided by meat, fish, eggs or beans. Calcium is important for children and can be found in cheese, yoghurt and fromage frais. A portion each of fruit and vegetables is also recommended.
Examples of a healthy lunchbox include:
- a ham and tomato sandwich; a yoghurt; an apple
- rice salad containing kidney beans and chopped sweet peppers; carrot sticks; a cheese triangle
Items such as crisps, biscuits and cakes should only be provided as an occasional treat. This helps children to grow up realising these things are treats, and not something that should be eaten every day.
Fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate bars should not be included as part of packed lunches.
**As several pupils in school have allergies to nuts, we ask that nuts in their whole form, or nut butters such as peanut butter, not be part of your child's lunch.**
Children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack into school to have at morning break time if they wish. This can be fruit or vegetables. Pupils in the reception class can also bring fruit for an afternoon snack if they wish.