Braddan School

Show Respect ~ Learn Together ~ Try Your Best

Here you will find some of our School policies.

More in the section Policies :

Admissions Policy

All children who live within the Braddan catchment area are entitled to attend Braddan Primary School. To find out more, please do get in touch at enquiries@braddan.sch If you would like to request that your child attends Braddan Primary School, but do not in live in our catchment area, please cont…

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Anti - Bullying Policy

Braddan School Anti Bullying Policy Show Respect, Try Your Best, Learn Together This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies - Safeguarding; Behaviour Management; Equal Opportunities and Health and Safety. Bullying The aim of our anti-bullying policy is to ensure that pupil…

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Charging Policy

Charging Policy 1 Introduction 1.1 All the education we provide during normal school hours is at no charge to pupils. We do not charge for any activity undertaken as part of the National Curriculum, with the exception of some voluntary individual or small-group music tuition. 2 Voluntary contributi…

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Complaints / Concerns

COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE – GUIDANCE NOTES FOR PARENTS If you have a concern or complaint We would like you to tell us about it. We welcome any suggestions for improving our service. Be assured that no matter what you want to tell us, our support and respect for you and your child in the school will not…

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Dealing with Unacceptable Behaviour by Parents and Visitors

Policy_and_Procedures_for_Dealing_With_Unacceptable_Behaviour_by_Parents_and_Vis.pdf Policy and Procedures for Dealing with Unacceptable Behaviour by Parents and Visitors on Braddan School Premises The Governing Body of Braddan School actively encourages close links with parents, carers and the com…

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Braddan Primary School - e-safety Policy The Department of Education and Children requires all schools to have a policy regarding ‘e-safety’, which details the schools rules and procedures that help to ensure high standards of e-safety for pupils, staff and parents of the school. The Department of…

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Health and Safety Policy

Health_and_Safety_Policy.docx Braddan Primary School Health and Safety Policy Aims of the Policy · To provide a safe, secure and healthy working environment for staff and children · To encourage everyone to take responsibility for being vigilant and to be aware of possible risks whilst also feeling…

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Healthy Eating Policy

Healthy Eating Policy and Guidance At Braddan School we reference the Department’s Strategy for Children and Young People and put a high emphasis on developing both children’s mental and physical health. Snacks We allow pupils to bring in a snack for morning break should they wish. We do ask that t…

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Home Learning

Braddan Primary School Home Learning Policy Aims and Objectives At Braddan School we aim to involve parents as much as possible in helping their children to develop their learning. One way of doing this is to involve parents in their child’s home learning activities. We see home learning as an impo…

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Relationships Policy (RSE)

RSE_Policy_.docx Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy This policy applies to staff, volunteers, Governors, and any visitors to the school who may be teaching any aspect of relationships or sex education. To be read and used in conjunction with behaviour, antibullying, safeguarding and equal…

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Safeguarding / Child Protection

safeguarding_policy.doc This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies - Behaviour Management; Anti-Bullying; Equal Opportunities and Health and Safety. To comply with the Isle of Man Children’s Plan and to ensure that we properly protect the children attending Braddan Primar…

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Sun Safety

When the sun comes out we want to make sure everyone stays safe. Here you'll find our Sun Safety Policy, along with our information leaflet for parents. sun_safety_policy.pdf Sunscreen_2018_leaflet_smaller_file_size.pdf

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