Braddan School

Show Respect ~ Learn Together ~ Try Your Best


If your child is unwell or absent for an appointment, a phone call or e-mail explaining that absence must be sent to the school office before or on the morning of the absence. This ensures we can safeguard our students (so we know quickly that they are safely with their parents) and also helps our staff to plan how to support your child when they return to class. Please phone Jo Brookman on 01624 661087 or email

If you wish your child to have a planned absence during term time (eg for a holiday, visiting family etc), then a written request must be made to the Headteacher. Please email to inform us of the planned length of any absence and why your child will be absent. We are sympathetic to children sometimes needing to be absent from school, and understand that families sometimes need to make arrangements to be absent during term time, but it is worth remembering there are 190 days each year where children are required to be in school, and 175 days of breaks and weekends every year.

Schools use the Department of Education, Sport and Culture's Policy of School Attendance to monitor attendance and we report both authorised and unauthorised absences on the reports that your child receives at the end of the academic year. For further information and an explanation on the different types of absences, please follow this link:


Being on time for school is extremely important. School starts at 8.50 am in Year 2 to Year 6 and at 9.05 am for Reception and Year 1. Our classroom timetables ensure that learning activities begin quickly, so being 'just' 10 minutes late every day loses over 31 and a half hours of teaching over a school year. We expect that as parents and carers you set good routines with your children and set the example that being on time is important. Lates are registered and you can monitor these on the reports that your child receives at the end of each academic year.

If lateness or absenteeism is concerning the school, we will contact parents in the first instance, to discuss what we can do to support your child and you as parents.