Braddan School

Show Respect ~ Learn Together ~ Try Your Best

Try your best. Show respect. Learn together.

Mrs Ward was lucky enough to lead Celebration Assembly this week- I think it is her favourite part of the week! As usual, all of the teachers were delighted to share why they had selected their Stars the Week.

The Starfish Star of the week was spotted by their teacher being a Tryatops who tries really hard with their learning and they are a very good friend. Mrs Cowin says that they are a Tryatops and a Sharedactyl who works well with others.

The Plankton Star of the Week has a fantastic attitude to learning and they are helping their class to learn new things. Mrs Ward was delighted to share how they are using their expert knowledge to help others to find out more about the world around them.

The Coral Star of the Week really impressed Miss K with their writing and they have been working hard to improve their writing with very pleasing results.

The Seals Star of the Week was spotted by Mrs Roberts being a brave Tryatops who has a go and tried their best. This learner has really improved their work by listening to feedback and using it to help themselves.

The Dogfish Star of the Week was spotted by Mrs Speller being really good at always trying their best with their learning and not being afraid to learn from experience. This learner is brilliant at having a go and working things out and they always find ways to challenge themselves.

The Orca Star of the Week was nominated by lots of children in their class. This person was spotted are making great behaviour choices, sharing great ideas and having brilliant mental maths skills too! Miss Kelly was very proud of this member of their class.708_708_2f8ed037fc57c5fd76cd528a380711cc.png?m=1706284270

The Headteacher Award was given to a young person who always tries their best in their learning. This learner is a great role model for learning as he is very passionate about getting better at learning.


Our lunchtime ancillaries have spotted two Respectasaurs who are always polite and kind to others. They are fantastic role models for what good manners look like in action in the dining hall and on the playground.