In Coral Class, the Star of the Week is fantastic at remembering instructions and being a great role model. In fact, they have been spotted being amazing at creative writing. They did such a good job that they were nominated by last week's Star of the Week. The Star of the Week in Orca Class was chosen by Mrs Kelly because of their learning behaviours- they have been challenging themselves and they know when to focus on work and when to socialise. They are really focusing in lessons this week and they should be very proud of themselves. The Dogfish Star of the Week was chosen by Mrs Speller as they clearly stood out for being keen and focused. They are brilliant at putting in extra effort to achieve their goals. What a great role model for learning! Mrs Roberts has chosen someone in Coral Class who is amazing at contributing to class discussions. This learner thinks carefully and has shown great insight when sharing their ideas in lessons. In Plankton Class, the Star of the Week was chosen because they really care about being kind. This learner is a great friend and they give great learning nudges to other people. They are really good at helping other learners to get even better at learning. Our Starfish Star of the Week was chosen because they are an excellent role model for how to be a Tryatops, Respectasaurus and Sharedactyl. They always listen and are ready to learn, listening carefully feedback and trying their best to improve. Two people were chosen by the lunchtime ancillaries for being excellent role models for other children. They are always kind and helpful and they should be very proud of themselves. The person awarded the Headteacher Award this week has impressed Mr Chapple with their creative writing. They have been spotted being very helpful too. What a great life skill!