The Starfish Star of the Week is a kind friend who has shown great understanding and maturity. This person is using the Colour Monsters to help their friends to better understand their feelings.
In Plankton Class, the Star of the Week was chosen because of their effort and attitude when trying their best. They have also impressed the teacher when they were reading.
Miss Kearsley from Coral Class was delighted to tell us all about her Star of the Week. Her star is making good learning choices and using feedback to improve. They are trying their best.Having great enthusiasm and energy was the reason that the Seals Star of the Week was chosen this week. Mrs Roberts was so delighted to award them with their certificate!
In Dogfish Class, Mrs Speller is so proud of her Star of the Week because this learner impressed her with their ability to use what they have learned in previous lessons to help themselves with fractions! This is a great skill to have because it makes you so much better at learning.
The Star of the Week from Orca Class has stood out this week because they are such a great role model. They are also amazing at representing Starfish Class at School Council- they are so skilled at tailoring their explanations to their audience!
The lunchtime ancillaries chose two people who have been showing respect in the dining hall. Both of the people awarded the Lunchtime Award have lovely manners and they both think carefully about how to be a good role model for others. Mr Chapple chose two children for his Headteacher Award for impressing the teachers with their presentation and effort.