Try your best. Show respect. Learn together.
The Starfish Star of the Week has been spotted this week making lots of great choices in the classroom. They are being a Respectasaurus by telling a teacher when they need help and they are using the feedback to make very good choices.
Plankton Class must have had a great week for learning because they have two Stars! One was chosen because they are doing amazing learning in the classroom and the other was chosen because they have been making brilliant behaviour choices.
In Coral Class, the person chosen to be awarded the Star of the Week has impressed the teacher with the choices that they have been making this week.
Mrs Roberts is delighted with the Star of the Week in Seals Class because they are listening to how to make great choices and now they are applying that knowledge! This makes all of the teachers really proud of this Star of the Week.
In Dogfish Class, Mrs Speller has chosen a star of the week who always has a really positive attitude to learning. They are a great role model for their peers.
The Orca Class, the star was chosen because they are brilliant at realising when they need help. This is a fantastic skill to have and this makes them a Tryatops, Respectasaurus and a Sharedactyl.